Any relationship has to be built on trust with mutual benefits.
As a family, we try to provide you with the best recipes and knowledge we have to share. To share that with you takes a lot of time and money both in buying physical ingredients and equipment as well as the financial cost of maintaining the website and time cost in research, writing, getting images and so on.
We very much enjoy getting this to you but we also have to get income to sustain our vision of helping you cook great Thai food. Very little comes from the ads displayed and a little more from products we share with you that you may end up buying.
Most of those products are from companies who we have an agreement to pay us a very small percentage of sales which does not cost you a cent – you will pay exactly the same price however you arrive on the online retail site.
If you click a link and decide to buy then you will be supporting us for which we are very grateful.
We recognise our responsibility to only recommend stuff that is good quality and provides you with a benefit.
Some of the products are products we use in our everyday family life. We can’t buy every product we recommend though since we are in Thailand and cannot practically get hold of may products sold overseas and many products we use are not for sale in other countries either.
We do recognise that we have a responsibility to you and so where we cannot find a product we spend a lot of time researching which we believe are the best products to put in front of you and we do that without bias because we have no Brand preference.
We are an Amazon Associate as we show in the footer of every page and we also have agreements with other companies.
You should assume that any link you click on our site may lead to us being paid a small commission should you buy from that source.
We promise that this will not cost YOU anything and hope that you find us showing product pages where you can learn more and do you own research saves you time and is helpful to you.
Thanks for reading!